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3/5/2020 - Coronavirus

We are being inundated on daily basis in the news media regarding this infectious disease. We, your local government are keeping abreast of the potential threat and preparing to the extent possible. Our first responders are informed and prepared to properly address any occurrence that may develop in our town.  To date there are no diagnosed case in Connecticut. The facts are that there are now reported cases in Rhode Island, New York and Boston Massachusetts, albeit the numbers are small. We must recognize the potential of this airborne virus spreading to Connecticut. The best and most effective way to combat the spread of this virus and to protect yourself and your family members is to follow the advice that you have likely all heard. Wash your hands thoroughly, cover your mouth and nose if you should cough or sneeze, refrain from traveling to areas of the country where the virus has been discovered and other such common sense precautions that we all now take to stay well.

I am attaching a link to the Federal Center for Disease Control that will provide all the facts and recommendations to help us stay healthy and stem the flow of this newly discovered virus  This site will provide you with all the up to date information and assist you to keep yourself and your love ones healthy. It is best that we do not panic and go about living our lives, however we should also be informed and prepared for whatever may come our way.

3/18/2020 - update from Torrington Area Health District.   The CDC has issued guidance on when sick people can discontinue home isolation: see link below and scroll to bottom.