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6/27/2019 - Hickory Hill
I've recently been asked about about the status of the reconstruction of Hickory Hill or to date lack of. Let me assure you that the project is still moving forward,albeit much slower than any of us expected or would have liked. We have had some difficulty in acquiring easements, where needed, and have encountered additional requirements from CTDOT and CTDEEP and lastly from the Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) that have slowed down the project. All of the issues I have previously stated are being addressed and it is my hope that they will be resolved in the relatively near future so we might be capable of putting the project out to bid for potential start date of next Spring. Additionally, as First Selectman I have a Facebook page  on which a podcast I did with a Town Times Reporter resides wherein one of the topics was Hickory Hill if you care to learn more.